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Information and Business Technology

3.15 Records Management Policy

Chapter Three: Instructional Affairs
Procedure Title: Records Management Policy
Based On:Board Policy 3Procedure Number:3.15Date Adopted/Revised: June 30, 2008; October 21, 2009; July 19, 2010


The Arkansas general Records Retention Schedule covers records commonly found in most Arkansas state agencies excluding educational institutions. Thus, the general counsel for the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has suggested that South Arkansas Community College should develop an institutional policy to govern the retention of student records.I.Student Record Management and Retention
South Arkansas Community College student records are maintained according to SACC Records Management guidelines as outlined below. Copies of all documentation, paper or electronic, are kept in the individual program/faculty offices or designated secure storage areasDocumentTotal RetentionGraduate Files-Student Clinical FoldersAs required by each program’s accreditation requirementsProspective Student Folders1 YearInactive Student Folders2 YearsExams/Scantrons/ Analyses/Projects/N otebooksUntil the end of the next major semesterCourse Grade Book/Grade Sheets (Electronic and Print)To be turned in to the Vice President for Learning upon leaving the collegeII.Faculty and Staff Compliance
All SACC faculty and staff members are made aware of these policies and copies of the FERPA guidelines are available for review.III.Registration and Attendance/Academic Progress Records
All records pertaining to registration, attendance and academic progress will be stored electronically for a minimum of five (5) years.IV.Certification Documents, Publications, Statistical Data/Documents, and Institutional Reports.
All documents pertaining to certification data, publications, statistical data and institutional reports will be permanently stored.V.Federal Student Financial Aid Records
All Federal Student Financial Aid records will be retained in accordance with Federal law or minimum of three (3) years from award year.VI.Personnel Records
South Arkansas Community College will comply with all state and Federal laws concerning the retention of personnel records. Applications will be kept for six (6) months after a position has been filled. Personnel files will be kept for five (5) years from the date of termination of employment; payroll and W-2 forms will be permanently retained.

3.01 Shared Govenance Structure

Chapter Three: Instructional Affairs

Procedure Title:Academic OrganizationBased On: Board Policies 1, 2, and 3Procedure Number: 3.01Date Adopted/Revised: October 31, 2001; November 21, 2006; May 15, 2007; June 19, 2010; June 16 2014


The Shared Governance Structure model engages the system of committees and councils to identify and solve problems and to address institutional needs.


Fundamental Principles


  • Decisions are made by the appropriate person or body within the college after solicitation of, and taking due account of, input from those with relevant expertise or information, including all stakeholders (through their representative organizations).
  • Decisions and their rationale are shared with those who provided input through SouthArk’s system of Shared Governance.
  • Representatives who serve on recommending bodies ensure the accurate and timely flow of information between those they represent and the bodies on which they serve (in both directions).

Values to Guide Decision-Making

The committee structure is set to engage the faculty and other appropriate college personnel in finding solutions for the college. Given that everyone’s time is valuable, it is important for each committee to have meaningful issues to address and for a structure to exist that will ensure committee recommendations are heard and appropriately addressed. Committee and council meetings attendance is mandatory.

  • The educational needs of students are the highest priority within the college.
  • SouthArk is committed to collaborative decision-making and information-sharing in addressing issues and developing procedures.
  • Access to information within the college is essential to developing quality decisions.
  • Collaboration and involvement of employees will lead to better decisions and improved communication and morale.
  • Administrative functions must be designed to support educational quality, effectiveness, and efficiency. This entails collaborative development, measuring effectiveness, and regular review and refinement of college operating procedures.
  • SouthArk will tie in proposals to “best practices” or challenges its best practices in analyzing its operational performance.
  • SouthArk will support creativity and innovation in instruction.
  • Development and continual learning are essential to the achievement of quality service to students, the public, faculty, and staff.


Fundamental Structure of Shared Governance—Councils and Committees

Institutional decision making at SouthArk is supported by a system of Shared Governance composed of councils and committees that function as recommending bodies with respect to those matters that fall under their sphere of responsibility.

  • Councils are the primary vehicle to foster collaborative development or review of college procedures. A council is a recommending body that makes recommendations directly to the President and which has a sphere of responsibility of particularly broad scope or significance. SouthArk shall have the following four councils:
  • Academic Affairs Council
  • Administrative Affairs Council
  • Student Services Council
  • Planning Council
  • Committees are representative groups that focus on a specific area of college operations. These groups are intended to be standing, on-going, groups that identify issues, collect facts, and recommend solutions to the appropriate council. Every committee shall be assigned to an appropriate council to assure that recommendations are reviewed appropriately and forwarded ultimately to the President. SouthArk has three different types of committee:
  • Standing Committees, which are expected to meet ongoing needs of the college.
  • Ad Hoc Committees which represent groups appointed for a limited time period to review issues or concerns, and to make specific recommendations to a committee or council. After it has met its functions, an ad hoc committee will be disbanded.
  • Appointed Committees which are special committees whose members are appointed by the President.

Access to Information

All councils, standing committees, and ad hoc committees will have written function statement, membership list (including terms of appointments), and contact information posted.

Chairs of all committees and councils are encouraged to post provisional minutes of meetings within 10 days of the meeting date, and must post final, approved minutes within 10 days of the committee’s next meeting. Minutes will be posted on the SouthArk web site.

Functions and Purposes of Councils and Committees

The commitment to Shared Governance entails a commitment to the effective use of participatory governing councils and committees to draw upon the expertise of the members of the SouthArk community, and to represent the stakeholders within the SouthArk community, in the process of governing the college and guiding it towards fulfillment of its mission.

The role of each governing council or committee is to make recommendations to the appropriate council and, ultimately, to the Executive Cabinet/President of the college with respect to a designated sphere of responsibility. For a committee to be effective in its work, its sphere of responsibility must be clearly defined in a set of functions, the fulfillment of which constitutes the purpose of the committee. To properly regulate committees, they must be created with a clearly defined and well constituted purpose, they must be evaluated with respect to both the continuing significance of their purpose and their ability to fulfill that purpose, and they must be continued, modified, or dissolved on the basis of those evaluations. The following are Council Responsibilities

  • Assign issues needing to be addressed to the appropriate committee under that council.
  • Review, develop, and implement college-wide policies and procedures.
  • Hear committee recommendations, ask questions and either return work to committee for additional fine-tuning or move it on to the Executive Cabinet.
  • Make recommendations to Executive Cabinet.
  • Evaluate committee effectiveness and efficiency.

Creation of Committees

A new committee is created when it is determined that some sphere of responsibility needs the attention of a representative, recommending body and that there is no currently constituted body to which the responsibility appropriately can be assigned. Anyone in the college community can propose the creation of a committee in writing to the relevant council(s) or committee(s)) whether the committee should be formed and what its exact function and membership ought to be.

The proposal for creating a new committee must include the following information:

  • A general description of need for the committee including whether it will be a standing committee (permanent) or an ad hoc committee (temporary)
  • A specific description of the function(s) of the committee
  • Identification of the council to which the committee will forward its recommendations
  • A draft of a work plan for the first year
  • Suggested membership of the committee
    • Ex officio members
    • Slots designated for representation by categories
    • Representatives of job functions
    • Representatives of SouthArk constituencies

The following are committee chair responsibilities:

  • Lead meetings to address issues related to committee responsibilities.
  • Ensure preparation of committee minutes, reports, and recommendations that go to councils.
  • Ensure minutes are posted on the web within seven working days after the committee’s approval.
  • Report to the appropriate council and Executive Cabinet.
  • Serve on appropriate council.
  • Record attendance of committee members in the minutes.
  • Assign sub-committees (if needed and/or applicable).

The following are committee member responsibilities:

  • Sign in and attend entire committee meetings.
  • Participate in committee work by reviewing, developing, and implementing college-wide policies and procedures.
  • Serve on sub-committees (if applicable).

Academic Organization

  • The Vice President of Learning may request that a faculty member serve on an ad hoc committee in addition to a regular committee assignment.
  • Each committee will elect a recording secretary at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Meeting announcements and committee agendas must be published and distributed at least one week in advance.
  • Minutes must be published and distributed in a timely manner after each meeting.
  • All announcements, agendas and minutes for all meetings must be placed on file in the office of the Vice President of Learning and on the web site.

Committee Terms–Chairs and Membership

  • Standing committee chairs will serve two-year terms.
  • At their final spring faculty meeting, the faculty at large will elect committee chairs for those committees that must have faculty chairs. Nominations may be submitted to the responsible Vice President before the meeting, and/or made from the floor.
  • Chairs have no term limits but they must be reelected after each two year term.
  • In case the chair resigns the position during the year, the committee members will elect an interim chair to serve until the next year.
  • The chairs of the standing committees will be faculty members, with the exception of the following: Distance Learning; Recruitment, Retention, and Student Success; and the Lecture Series. Though faculty members could be chosen as chairs, these chairs do not have to be faculty members. If the college establishes a Developmental Studies committee, the Pre-college Committee could also have a non-faculty chair.
  • Unless otherwise designed in the APM, all committees should have at least one faculty representative from each of the three divisions. Those faculty representatives may volunteer or be nominated: the division will then vote to approve them.
  • Committee members should serve three-year terms to give continuity to committee membership. There is no limit to the number of terms they may serve. In case of midyear vacancies, the committee chairs can submit names for a division vote to replace those leaving.

Review, Modification, and Dissolution of Committees

To ensure that the efforts of each committee are worthwhile and contribute to the mission of the college, each committee will evaluate itself at the beginning of each year, report its evaluation to the council to which it makes recommendations, and be reviewed by that council. These evaluations will include a review of the functions of the committee, an assessment of whether the activities of the committee have been appropriate directed to its functions, and an assessment of whether the membership of the committee is appropriate for its functions.

Based on these evaluations, recommendations may be forwarded to the Councils for the modification or dissolution of a committee in the late spring. Councils will engage in a similar self-evaluation and make a report to the President/Executive Cabinet.

  • Modification of a committee’s function
  • Modification of a committee’s membership
  • Dissolution of a committee






Functions and Information




  1. Communication and information sharing
  2. Reporting of data, information, and outcomes
  3. Strategic planning
  4. Monitoring
  5. Coordinating of ideas and plans
  6. Having individual experts to answer questions about proposals, etc.
  7. No voting on the Planning Council


Meets 4th Friday of every month


Chief Institutional Effectiveness & Advancement Officer (Facilitator)


VP of Fiscal Affairs

VP of Learning

VP of Student Services,

Chief Information Officer

Administrative Directors (Distance Learning, Library, Foundation, Financial Aid, Learning Center, Counseling)


Council Chairs (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Administrative Affairs)

Faculty Representatives (two from each Division)

SGA President,





  1. Assign issues needing to be addressed to the appropriate committee under the council.
  2. Review, develop, and implement college-wide policies and procedures.
  3. Hear committee recommendations, ask questions and either return work to committee for additional fine-tuning or move it on to the Planning Council.
  4. Make recommendations to Planning Council.
  5. Evaluate committee effectiveness and efficiency.
  6. The Academic Affairs Council is comprised of eight committees: Academic Standards, Basic Studies, Curriculum, Distance Learning, Faculty Affairs, Faculty Course Assessment, Faculty Professional Development, and Library.


Meets 1st Friday of every month at 10:45 a.m., ADM Board Room


Chair: Faculty member

Administrative Liaison: VP for Learning

Committee chairs (8 committees)

Dean of Health & Natural Sciences

Dean of Liberal Arts

Dean of Business and Technical Education

Dean of Continuing Education

Administrative Directors (Adult Education, Distance Education, Library, Sec. Technical Center)

Program Directors (CJ, CNA, Educ., EMT, LPN/RN, MC/MT, OTA, MLS/Ph./EKG, PMA, PTA, Rad.Tech., Resp.Therapy, Surg.Tech., Process Tech)

Student Representative

            NOTE: Program Directors may also be committee chairs





Academic Standards Committee


  1. Make recommendations on matters relating to the academic policies of the College;
  2. Hear and advise on academic appeals; and
  3. Perform other duties assigned by the Vice President of Learning or the President.


Meets as needed. Monday, 3:00 p.m. HSC Conference room.



Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Dean of Enrollment Services

Vice President of Learning (ex-officio)


Basic Studies/Adult Education Committee


  1. Review curriculum and suggest changes to the Curriculum Committee.
  2. Establish guidelines for students dropping BSTD courses.
  3. Coordinate and work to strengthen support systems for BSTD and Adult Education students.
  4. Gather information from other institutions of higher education and make suggestions to improve our program.
  5. Coordinate BSTD and Adult Education programs in order to share resources and ideas.
  6. Address the requirements of Act 971 and write SouthArk’s plan to meet those requirements.



No set meeting day/time/place


Dean of Liberal Arts

Adult Education Director

PACE Grant Director

Retention Specialist

Library Director

Title III Grant Coordinator

Director of Learning Center

Director of Career Pathways

Dean of Enrollment Services

Liberal Arts Division (4 representatives)

Vice President of Learning (ex-officio)

Chief Institutional Effectiveness & Advancement Officer (ex-officio)


Curriculum Committee


  1. Make recommendations on matters relating to curriculum design and curricular changes.
  2. Approve or disapprove curricular changes that affect only the faculty member or department requesting the change.
  3. Recommend curricular changes that would affect the entire faculty to the Academic Affairs Council.
  4. Recommend new program proposals to the Academic Affairs Council.
  5. Review existing programs on a rotating basis.


No set meeting day/time/place


Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Dean of Enrollment Services

Vice President of Learning (ex-officio)

Distance Learning Committee



  1. Follow distance learning policies established by the Higher Learning Commission and Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
  2. Increase student access to learning opportunities.
  3. Enhance the abilities of the college to respond to learner needs.
  4. Respond to workforce development needs.
  5. Assure quality of instruction to place and time-bound students.
  6. Deliver online programs to expand access to adult learners.
  7. Provide support and training for students, faculty and staff in the use of technology.
  8. Use technology to extend learning opportunities and activities beyond the classroom.
  9. Enhance the use of instructional technology within the classroom.


1st Friday of every month at 10:30 a.m., TEC 128


Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Distance Education Specialist

Health and Natural Sciences Division (1 representative)

IT Department Representative

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Library Representative

Student Services Representative

Director of Distance Learning (Permanent Chair)

Dean of Business & Technical Education (ex-officio)

Dean of Health and Natural Sciences (ex-officio)

Dean of Liberal Arts (ex-officio)

Faculty Affairs Committee



  1. The committee may develop recommendations affecting faculty in the areas of employment, compensation and benefits, professional responsibilities and development, and institutional governance and submit them for consideration to the Academic Affairs Council.
  2. The committee chair may make a report at each general meeting of the faculty/professional staff. This report may include advice on standing committee proposals as well as recommendations developed by the Faculty Affairs Committee.
  3. In order to insure effective communication, the committee chair will meet regularly with the President as a member of the Academic Affairs Council to discuss faculty-related issues.
  4. At the recommendation of the committee and notification and scheduling through the Vice President of Learning, the committee chair may convene a meeting of the faculty.
  5. Meeting announcements and committee agendas must be published and distributed at least one week in advance and minutes must be published in a timely manner. All announcements, agendas and minutes of all meetings must be placed on file in the office of the Vice President of Learning.


4th Thursday of every month at 4:00 p.m., WHT 211


Adult Education Division (1 representative)

Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (3 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (3 representatives)

Faculty Course Assessment Committee


  1. Develop and review student assessment of learning activities.
  2. Collect, analyze and document patterns of evidence that demonstrate strengths and weaknesses of the assessment of student learning.
  3. Make recommendations from data collected by faculty as basis to improve student learning.
  4. Develop and review the content of faculty/course evaluation.
  5. Coordinate preparation of annual assessment to be presented to the Academic Affairs Council.
  6. Make recommendations to the college’s leadership regarding strategic planning and budgeting that will impact student learning / teacher effectiveness.


1st Friday of every month at 9:30 a.m., HSC Conference Room


Business & Technical Education Faculty (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Faculty (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Faculty (2 representatives)

Dean of Continuing Education

Director of Distance Learning

Chief Institutional Effectiveness & Advancement Officer (Permanent)

Dean of Business & Technical Education (ex-officio)

Dean of Enrollment Services (ex-officio)

Dean of Health & Natural Sciences (ex-officio)

Dean of Liberal Arts (ex-officio)


Faculty Professional Development Committee


  1. Recommend quality faculty professional development and lifelong learning experiences.
  2. Assess the faculty for professional development needs.
  3. Recommend to the appropriate Vice President(s) faculty professional development opportunities, based upon needs;
  4. Act upon requests from the Academic Affairs Council or Planning Council.


3rd Friday of every month at 10:45 a.m., HSC Conference Room


Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (2 representatives)

Dean of Continuing Education (ex-officio)

Vice President of Learning (ex-officio)


Library Committee


  1. Make recommendations on library philosophy, collection, and selection and usage procedures.
  2. Recommend general library rules and regulations.
  3. Recommend policy for service to external groups.
  4. Perform other duties assigned by the faculty, Vice President of Learning, or the President.


3rd Tuesday of every month at 3:00 p.m., Library Conference Room



Business & Technical Education Division (2 representatives)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Classified Staff (1 representative)

Library Director (Permanent)

Staff Development



This committee is responsible for creating a long-range professional growth plan and certain educational training for the staff. The plan will be based on the mission of the College including such items as program assessment data, the strategic plan, statutory compliance requirements, and feedback from students and employees.



Meet quarterly or as needed to develop, monitor, and modify the professional development plan.



Director of Human Resources

Dean of Community Education

      Coordinator of Community Education

      One Classified Representatives from Fiscal Affairs (Appointed by VPFA)

One Classified Representative from Student Affairs (Appointed by VPSA)

One Classified Representative from Academic Affairs (Appointed by VPL)

      Professional Staff Employee from Fiscal Affairs (Appointed by VPFA)

      Professional Staff Employee from Academic Affairs (Appointed by VPL)

      Professional Staff Employee from Student Affairs (Appointed by VPSA)





  1. Assign issues needing to be addressed to the appropriate committee under the council.
  2. Review, develop, and implement college-wide policies and procedures.
  3. Hear committee recommendations, ask questions and either return work to committee for additional fine-tuning or move it on to the Planning Council.
  4. Make recommendations to Planning Council.
  5. Evaluate committee effectiveness and efficiency.
  6. The Student Affairs Council is comprised of four committees: Pre-College Education; Recruitment, Retention and Student Success; Scholarship, and Student Services


Meets 2nd Friday of every month


Chair – elected from committee chairs

Administrative Liaison: VP of Student Services

Committee chairs (4 committees)

Dean of Enrollment Services

Administrative Directors

Student Representative




Pre-College EducationCommittee


  1. Assess all aspects of college preparation both on campus and in the community;
  2. Develop and manage a plan for recruitment of students in Adult Education, Secondary Technical Center, and other college readiness programs;
  3. Facilitate interdepartmental communication and collaboration among previously stated programs;
  4. Make recommendations to Student Affairs Council; and
  5. Act upon issues referred by the Student Affairs Council.





Academic Advisor

Administrative Representative

College and Career Coach/Transfer Advisor

Director of Career Pathways

Director of Upward Bound

Business & Technical Education Division (1 representative)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (1 representative)

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Student Recruitment Specialist

Director of Adult Education (Permanent)

Director of Secondary Technical Center (Permanent)

Dean of Business & Technical Education (ex-officio)

Recruitment, Retention and Student Success Committee


  1. Periodically review and update processes, policies and procedures of SouthArk Recruiting, Retention and Student Success plan from potential new student to graduation.
  2. Develop new recruiting strategies that will attract more and better students to SouthArk.
  3. Examine current retention strategies to determine which efforts are effective and which need improvement.
  4. Develop new policies that will aid in the success of all SouthArk students.
  5. Act upon issues referred by College Leadership Team.



Meets 3rd Wednesday of every month at 4:00 p.m., SSC 246


Database Administrator

Director of Adult Education

Director of Career Pathways

Director of Financial Aid

Director of Learning Center & Testing

Coordinator of Marketing & Communications

Coordinator of Upward Bound

College and Career Coach/Transfer Advisor

Student Success Counselor


Business & Technical Education Division (1 representative)

Liberal Arts Division (1 representative)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (1 representative)

Dean of Enrollment Services (Permanent)

Student Recruitment Specialist (Permanent)

Vice President of Student Services (Permanent)





      Committee meets to consider financial aid appeals or scholarships to be reviewed.


Meets as needed


Business & Technical Education Division (1 representative)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representatives)

Liberal Arts Division (2 representatives)

Financial Aid Analyst (ex-officio)

Director of Financial Aid (Permanent)


Student Services Committee


  1. Make recommendations on matters pertaining to student affairs.
  2. Make recommendations on new clubs and other student organizations.
  3. Hear appeals relating to student disciplinary matters.
  4. Make recommendations to the President for nominations to Who’s Who Among Students of American Universities and Colleges.
  5. Plan and implement annual Recognition Ceremony.
  6. Perform other duties assigned by the faculty, Vice Presidents, or the President.


Meets 3rd Friday of every month at 9:00 a.m., HSC 310


Business & Technical Education Division (1 representative)

Health & Natural Sciences Division (2 representative)

Liberal Arts Division (2 representatives)

Classified staff representative

Student representative

Administrative staff representative

Vice President of Student Services (ex-officio)






Ensure the College meets the institutional support needs in a manner that meets standards and policies set by the South Arkansas Community College Board of Trustees, State of Arkansas and other entities.


Meets 3rd Friday of every month


            Chair: Elect from committee chairs

Administrative Liaison: Vice President of Fiscal Affairs

            Chief Information Officer

            Director of Physical Plant

            Director of Human Recourses

            Director of Public Safety


            Manager of Financial Accounting

            Manager of Purchasing/Payables

            Coordinator of Marketing/Communications

            Student Representative (Appointed by VPSS)

            Committee Chairs



Administrative Technology Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee is to provide feedback to the Chief Information Officer and the Executive Cabinet on policies and procedures for administrative technology services offered by the Information Technology Department. This committee will also provide feedback on administrative technology initiatives and the college technology plan.


The committee will meet quarterly or more frequently if necessary.



Chief Information Officer

Data Administrator

Fiscal Affairs Representative (Appointed by VPFA)

Faculty from each division (Appointed by VPL)

Student Affairs Representative (Appointed by VPSS)

Community Education Representative (Appointed by VPL)

Emergency Response Team (ERT)


Respond to emergencies on the South Arkansas Community College campus and sites to help prevent injuries and loss of life and property.

Responsibilities include having a detailed knowledge of the College’s Emergency Operations Plan including recommending necessary updates to the Plan.


Meet monthly or more often as needed.




Vice President of Fiscal Affairs

Vice President of Learning

Vice President of Student Services

Chief Information Officer

Director of Campus Security

Dean, Health and Natural Sciences

Director of Nursing

Director of Physical Plant

Coordinator of Communication and Marketing

Dean of Community Education

Dean of Business Tech/Dean of Liberal Arts

Chief Institutional Effectiveness & Advancement Officer

Director of Human Resources


Manager of Financial Accounting

Manager of Purchasing/Payables

Dean of Enrollment Services

Others as assigned

Facilities, Energy, and Safety Committee



To assist in the maintenance, cleanliness and planning for the facilities. Provide direction and leadership in maintaining safe campuses (sites) and reducing energy consumption.  

The committee will provide assistance in meeting the State of Arkansas energy reduction mandates.




Meet quarterly or more often as needed.


Director of Physical Plant

Building Coordinators

Director of Public Safety

Student Representative (Appointed by VPSS)

Three Faculty Representatives (Appointed by VPL)

Community Education Representative (may also be a Building Coordinator) (Appointed VPL)

Student Services Representative (may also be a Building Coordinator) (Appointed VPSS)


Staff Development Committee



This committee is responsible for creating a long-range professional growth plan and certain educational training for the staff. The plan will be based on the mission of the College including such items as program assessment data, the strategic plan, statutory compliance requirements, and feedback from students and employees.


Meet quarterly or as needed to develop, monitor, and modify the professional development plan.


Director of Human Resources

Dean of Community Education

Coordinator of Community Education

One Classified Representatives from Fiscal Affairs (Appointed by VPFA)

One Classified Representative from Student Affairs (Appointed by VPSS)

One Classified Representative from Academic Affairs (Appointed by VPL)

Professional Staff Employee from Fiscal Affairs (Appointed by VPFA)

Professional Staff Employee from Academic Affairs (Appointed by VPL)

Professional    Staff Employee from Student Affairs (Appointed by VPSS)





Grievance Committee – Academic Affairs




As needed


Appointed by the President


Grievance Committee – Administrative Affairs



  1. To hear complaints brought by a college employee charging that he or she has been discriminated against with regard to race, sex, color, religion, disability, or national origin (Section 2:12, page 2 of APM).
  2. To hear the respondent’s answer to the complaint brought against him or her.
  3. To come to a decision as to whether the grievance is justified based on the evidence heard.
  4. To prepare a written report that is forwarded to the President who will make a final decision on the matter.


As needed


Appointed by the President

Lecture Series Committee


  1. Advise the president on whom to book for lectures.
  2. Plan, promote, and coordinate each event in the series.
  3. Evaluate each event to identify weaknesses and make improvements.



As needed


Appointed by the President

3.03 Deans – Duties, Selection and Organization

Chapter Three:  Instructional Affairs

Procedure Title:Deans – Duties, Selection and OrganizationBased On: Board Policies 1 and 3Procedure Number: 3.03Date Adopted/Revised: November 6, 2001; November 21, 2006; May 15, 2007; July 19, 2010
To facilitate communication between faculty and administration, provide administrative assistance to the Vice President of Learning, and encourage cohesion among groups of faculty who teach in the same broad academic and/or vocational areas, the College faculty will be organized into divisions. Each division will be administered by a dean supervised by the Chief Academic Officer.I.DutiesDeans will be charged with the following duties within their respective divisions:A.Evaluate full-time and part-time faculty members in accordance with institutional policies;B.Assist the Vice President of Learning in the employment and orientation process for full-time and part-time instructors;C.Make recommendations to the Vice President of Learning for textbook and software adoptions;D.Assist the Vice President of Learning in developing planning reports to the College Leadership Teaml and the President;E.Make budget recommendations to the Vice President of Learning;F.Develop and recommend class schedules and staffing of courses;G.Serve as mediators in Step 2 of the academic appeals process;H.Supervise ADHE Existing Program Reviews;I.Serve as liaisons between the members of their division and the Vice President of Learning by collecting and disseminating information in a timely manner;J.Arrange for division members to elect representatives to committees each year;K.Monitor student achievement as outlined in the college’s student outcomes assessment plan;L.Assist the Vice President of Learning in updating and revising the college catalog;M.Monitor enrollment in individual courses during registration and recommend additions and cancellations as needed.N.Serve as resource persons for student recruitment activities;O.Perform general student academic advising for all programs within their division;P.Provide advice and counsel to individual faculty members;Q.Review student request for transfer credit and make recommendations to the Vice President of Learning that such requests be approved or denied;R.Assist the Vice President of Learning in developing proposals for new courses and instructional programs;S.Assist the Vice President of Learning in writing proposals for grants and other forms of special funding; andT.Work with faculty as necessary to provide worthwhile educational experiences for students during the instructor’s absence.II.Selection Process and Term of Office.In the event of a vacancy, the dean will be selected through the following process:A.If an internal selection process does not yield a viable candidate, the selection process for Chief Officer will be used.B.At the end of the selection process, the President may approve or disapprove any nominee. If the President disapproves a nominee, he or she will refer the decision back to the Vice President of Learning with a recommendation or the reasons for disapproval. The Vice President of Learning will then begin the process again.C.The Dean’s appointment may be extended annually upon satisfactory evaluation by the Vice President ofLearning. The Vice President of Learning will seek input from the faculty of the respective division, advisory committee and others impacted by the work of the division.D.Dean appointments carry a 12-month appointment with a salary supplement and a reduced teaching load. The salary supplement and faculty load will be uniform for all Deans.III.Members of Divisions.A.Liberal ArtsArtHistoryBasic StudiesMathematicsCommunicationsMusicCriminal Justice AdministrationPhilosophyEarly Childhood EducationPolitical ScienceEducationPsychologyEnglishSociologyForeign LanguagesSpeechGeographyTheaterArtHistoryBasic StudiesMathematicsCommunicationsMusicCriminal Justice AdministrationPhilosophyEarly Childhood EducationPolitical ScienceEducationPsychologyEnglishSociologyForeign LanguagesSpeechGeographyTheaterB.Health and Natural SciencesBiological SciencesOccupational Therapy AssistantChemistryPhysical EducationClinical Laboratory SciencePhysical SciencesEmergency Medical TechnologyPhysical Therapist AssistantHealthRadiologic TechnologyHealth Information TechnologyRegistered NursingLicensed Practical NursingRespiratory TherapyMedical Laboratory TechnologySurgical TechnologyBiological SciencesOccupational Therapy AssistantChemistryPhysical EducationClinical Laboratory SciencePhysical SciencesEmergency Medical TechnologyPhysical Therapist AssistantHealthRadiologic TechnologyHealth Information TechnologyRegistered NursingLicensed Practical NursingRespiratory TherapyMedical Laboratory TechnologySurgical TechnologyC.Trades and Industry DivisionAccountingGeneral BusinessAutomotive Service TechnologyGeneral TechnologyBusiness LawIndustrial Electronics TechnologyComputer Information TechnologiesIndustrial Equipment TechnologyCosmetologyIndustrial Process TechnologyEconomicsOffice TechnologiesEntrepreneurshipWeldingAccountingGeneral BusinessAutomotive Service TechnologyGeneral TechnologyBusiness LawIndustrial Electronics TechnologyComputer Information TechnologiesIndustrial Equipment TechnologyCosmetologyIndustrial Process TechnologyEconomicsOffice TechnologiesEntrepreneurshipWelding

3.08 Discretionary Leave

Chapter Three:  Instructional Affairs

Procedure Title:Discretionary LeaveBased On:Board Policies 1 and 3Procedure Number:3.08Date Adopted/Revised:November 7, 2001; November 21, 2006; May 15, 2007; July 19, 2010All full-time faculty are entitled to two days of discretionary leave per fiscal year. In order to be granted leave the following criteria must be met:

  • A leave form must be submitted to the appropriate Dean at least one week prior to the requested leave.
  • The faculty member must present a plan delineating how the missed class(es) will be covered.
  • The leave must be approved by the appropriate Dean, Vice President of Learning and President prior to the leave being taken.

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  1. 3.04 Recording Class Attendance
  2. 3.03a Academic Rank for Faculty
  3. 3.12 Academic Program Suspension and Discontinuation
  4. 3.07 Placement of Newly Hired Faculty