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Board Policy Manual

1.05 Marketing

Chapter One: Administrative Affairs

Procedure Title: MarketingBased On:Board Policies 1 and 9Procedure Number:1.05Date Adopted/Revised:October 10, 2001; November 21, 2006; May 15, 2007; May 17, 2010Promotion and advertising of South Arkansas Community College should be consistent and accurate, and represent SouthArk in the most professional manner possible. Any marketing materials intended for distribution to an audience beyond SouthArk employees or currently-enrolled students must be approved by the office of marketing and communications.The coordinator of this office, under the direction of the president, bears the sole responsibility of interpreting and implementing this policy. Authority for design and format of all such materials (brochures, commercials, flyers, advertisements, promotional items, etc.) rests solely with the office of marketing and communications. Appropriate input may be sought from other individuals, committees or campus departments depending upon the project at hand, but the level of input is at the discretion of the coordinator.I.Official SouthArk logo The logo should be used on all promotional items and materials, branded for-sale items and advertising. It never is enough simply to use the name of the college. The desire is to create a permanent bond between the logo and the college. In all instances, use of the college’s logo should be directed by the Office of Marketing and Communications.II.Official SouthArk colors Based on the colors of the official logo, these are the college’s official colors: 

Green: Pantone Solid Coated 3435C
C 100 M 55 Y 95 K 50
Hex #003906 Web Safe #003300

Red: Pantone Solid Coated 202C
C 40 M 100 Y 95 K 20
Hex #7A000A Web Safe #770011

 Other shades of red and green are inconsistent with the official colors and therefore should be avoided in marketing materials, unless the Office of Marketing and Communications finds a compelling reason to use them.III.Requests Any request for marketing should be transmitted with turnaround time in mind, particularly if creation is involved. Two weeks of lead time is expected for any project, but the coordinator’s schedule always will dictate how quickly a project is completed. By the same token, when information is requested by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the purposes of promotion, a reasonable amount of response time is needed and expected.IV.Brochures The Office of Marketing and Communications recognizes the need for professional-quality brochures to promote college programs, organizations and other facets of SouthArk. When a brochure is needed, input from other individuals will be sought at the discretion of the coordinator of the Office. However, the design and content will be under the ultimate authority of the Office of Marketing and Communications. Brochures will be produced or updated once annually, after completion of the annual college catalog.

1.08a Human Subject Requirements

Chapter One: Administrative Affairs

Procedure Title:Human Subject RequirementsBased On:Board Policies Procedure Number:1.08aDate Adopted/Revised:May 24, 2010; June 16, 2014
All research conducted at or through South Arkansas Community College involving data collection from or about human subjects either in person or through written or verbal communication (i.e. observations, surveys, interviews) is subject to review by the SouthArk Institutional Review Board (IRB).  The function of the IRB is to protect the privacy and well being of research participants in compliance with the regulations for the protection of human subjects as outlined by the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and to protect the school from any potential liabilities of the research.The IRB is appointed by the College president and is composed of at least four SouthArk faculty and/or administrators who are familiar with research using human subjects and one unaffiliated community member.  The Chief Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement Officer will serve ex officio and will be the contact person for the IRB.  The IRB will perform its function by following the requirements as stated in the Office of Human Research Protections IRB Guidebook .The IRB application process requires the completion of the following:I.A thorough description of the research including A.the purpose of the research, B.subject selection criteria, C.descriptions of subject contact procedure including copies of surveys or scripts, D.description of data storage method, and E.a list of measures that will be taken in order to minimize adverse consequences to the subjects.II.Proof of Informed Consent and a copy of the actual informed consent form to be used

1.08 Data Collection and Distribution

Chapter One: Administrative Affairs

Procedure Title:Data Collection and DistributionBased On:Board Policies Procedure Number:1.08Date Adopted/Revised:May 24, 2010; June 16, 2014
In an effort to maintain the accuracy and consistency of information regarding South Arkansas Community College, this document specifies the policies for the collection, release, and distribution of data concerning the College, its students, or its programs. Four types of administrative information or documents are considered below, each with its own set of policy guidelines. I.Results of Surveys of Individuals II.Regulatory Data III.Information Requests for Commercial and Educational Research IV.College DocumentsUnless otherwise stated, the approval noted below is through the Office of Institutional Research. Some data may need to be submitted to the SouthArk Institutional Review Board if data collection is from or about human subjects and intended for publication or presentation outside of the College.I.Surveys of Individuals Surveys will be conducted throughout the year at SouthArk in order to better understand the students, faculty, staff, and the community. In an effort to protect the privacy of these parties, the following regulations have been put in place. A.External surveys conducted by SouthArk and its personnel for both internal and external usage require approval of the survey tool prior to its release. All surveys conducted through alumni are considered external. B.If data from an internally conducted survey is intended for use in publicly available documents, including but not limited to grants, accreditation documentation, or posting on the SouthArk website; approval of the survey tool must be sought prior to release of the data. In order to secure approval, the survey collection method must ensure the privacy of the respondents and must not include questions requesting restricted information. If potentially restricted information is needed, the approval process may require documentation of data storage and restrictions on usage. Following approval, the group conducting a survey is responsible for the management and release of the data collected. C.Results will only be released as summaries and respondents should neither be identified nor an individual response set published. D.Summary results may be made available on request to any persons who completed the survey with the exception of information related to personnel review such as course and performance evaluations. E.Summary results of surveys may be made available to members of the College community upon request with the exception of information related to personnel review and information deemed sensitive. Release of requested summaries for public documentation requires additional approval unless explicitly stated on the report cover page. F.Data files from surveys are not to be released either internally or externally except under special circumstances requiring the signatures of the executive cabinet and the Chief Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement Officer. Personal Information Guidelines Restricted (Never to be collected)Potentially Restricted (Requires prior approval)passwordsfull namessocial security numberaddressesbank account numbersphone numbersdriver license numberscollege ID numberhealth and insurance policy numbersvehicle identification numbers salary, benefits, deduction information transcripts, grades, test scoresII.Regulatory Data Data requested by or submitted to federal, state, consortia, and accrediting bodies must be approved prior to release of said data with the exception of established yearly reports such as those requested from the registrar and fiscal affairs.  In order to ensure the accuracy, documentation of the data collection procedure is required.  Prior approval of the collection method will expedite the process.  If notice is given of impending reporting dates, it is requested that they be submitted along with the collection method to minimize potential time conflicts.  Release of data provided to these agencies is governed by their information release policies and dates.  Much of this information is public and may be freely used and distributed following release by the requesting agency.  Request for this data prior to its publication must be approved before its release or usage.III.Information Requests for Commercial and Educational Research Purposes SouthArk  receives and responds to many requests from commercial organizations, such as publishers of guidebooks and journals. 1.Due to their public release, any data entered into these surveys must be approved before submission and any narrative content must be approved by the SouthArk Office of Marketing and Communications. 2.Requests from other institutions or educational organizations will require the same approval process as commercial surveys. 3.Requests from individuals outside of the College concerning data for educational research should be directed to the Office of Institutional Research.  In the case of information requested from the Registrar, it is the job of that office to comply with FERPA guidelines.  Questionable requests will be forwarded to the Executive Cabinet for a final decision. 4.Requests from individuals outside of the College wishing to survey SouthArk students, staff, or faculty must receive permission and assistance from the Office of Institutional Research.  They will be required to submit a copy of the survey tool and demonstrate data collection practices consistent with the internal requirements of the College.IV.College Documents Reports and documents produced at SouthArk for public release will note a range of distribution on the cover page and should be referenced directly if content has been quoted.  When referencing data from these reports, it is the intention of the compilers that anyone using the data will note both method of data gathering and timeframe.  For example, if quoting a retention rate, it is important to note both the year to which it applies and the portion of the student population that was used to determine it.

1.06a Solicitation of Funds & Fund Raising Approval Form

Chapter One: Administrative Affairs

Procedure Title:Solicitation of Funds and Fund Raising Approval Form
Based On: Board Policies 1, 4, 9 and 10Procedure Number:1.06aDate Adopted/Revised:October 10, 2001; November 21, 2006; May 15, 2007; May 17, 2010


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  1. 1.05a Communications
  2. 1.04a Grant Approval Form
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  4. 1.03 Planning Process